by Justin Standfield
No. 8 They enjoy every bite of the food they eat.
The chances are, you might be reading this while having a snack (research tells us that many people eat and drink while using the internet). Mindfulness while eating involves removing other distractions, such as newspapers, books, TV and social media devices. Once that’s done, mindful people become fully aware of their food before and during the actual process of eating – they notice the range of shapes and colours on their plate, they savour the aroma, they appreciate the different textures and they are able to observe their body’s reaction to all of this in the moment. Being able to slow down and really notice every mouthful – with sufficient pauses in between – often brings about a sense of gratitude for the food. Because mindful people are consciously aware of their emotions and their thought processes, they can be better placed to notice the type of situations that lead them to ‘crave’ particular foods.
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