by Justin Standfield No. 10 They don’t believe their thoughts (and they don’t take them all that seriously). At first, the concept of not believing your own thoughts sounds... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 9 They acknowledge that all things come and go (especially our thoughts and emotions). What typically happens when a thought comes into your head? The... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 8 They enjoy every bite of the food they eat. The chances are, you might be reading this while having a snack (research tells us... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 7 They slow down when reading and truly take in the content. Mindful people who continue their practise while reading often notice that it generates... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 6 They nourish their bodies. Dr. Martin Seligman, founder of ‘positive psychology’, spent years observing how people’s perspectives affect their health. He found that... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 5 They challenge their existing beliefs. Make no mistake, being mindful offers us moment-by-moment opportunities to challenge our own beliefs about all sorts of things... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 4 They don't try to avoid or deny their emotions. It’s funny, because we sometimes have an image of mindfulness as being a state of... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 3 They notice the beauty of nature. People who practise mindfulness develop enhanced sensory perception through focussing on the ‘here and now’. When they’re being... read more →
by Justin Standfield No. 2 They laugh at themselves. People who practise mindfulness always report having an increased sense of humour - it's one of the cool things... read more →
by Justin Standfield Starting from today, the first day of a brand new year, Incendo is sharing the benefits of practising mindfulness with a post every day for... read more →